City Lights started Camp HEAL in 2018 for kids ages 6-12, This is a very intentional camp with classes like drug prevention, therapy through art, exercise, fun Bible stories, How to keep yourself safe, mindfulness, and many crazy fun activities.
"I'm having more fun at this camp than my other camp, and we went swimming every day." -2021 Lil' camper
Kids are funny! But we are happy she is having so much fun! We strive to keep a balance of fun, education, and Bible. Our hope is that each child will feel stronger in standing up for themself in tough situations, better understand the world we live in and take home ways to cope with the real world we all live in.
Camp HEAL is a safe fun place to encourage children, to avoid harm, to say no to drugs, and to understand how to live stress free.
We even have guest visits from fun characters like Dr. Fiona Fruitsalad, or the fire department.